Stormwater Management StormFilter stormwater filtration system.

The Stormwater Management StormFilter®

Whether you need to remove trash, debris, sediment, hydrocarbons, nutrients, or metals, Contech offers the latest stormwater treatment technologies and local expertise to enable you to select the right solution for your site.

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Flexible Stormwater Filtration Technology

As stormwater quality regulations become more stringent, engineers need a filtration device that can tackle the most challenging pollutants and provide the flexibility to meet the needs of a variety of sites.

The Stormwater Management StormFilter® is an underground stormwater treatment device comprised of one or more structures that house rechargeable, media-filled cartridges that trap particulates and adsorb pollutants from stormwater runoff such as total suspended solids, hydrocarbons, nutrients, metals, and other common pollutants. With media options to target multiple or specific pollutants, multiple system configurations, and field and laboratory performance verified by the most stringent stormwater technology evaluation organizations; the StormFilter provides engineers the most flexible and most reliable manufactured treatment technology available.

How the StormFilter Treats Stormwater

  • During a storm, runoff passes through the filtration media and starts filling the cartridge center tube. The air inside the hood is purged through a one-way check valve as the water rises. 
  • When water reaches the top of the float, buoyant forces pull the float free and allow filtered water to exit the cartridge. A siphon is established within each cartridge that draws water uniformly across the full height of the media bed ensuring even distribution of pollutants and prolonged media longevity. 
  • After the storm, the water level in the structure starts falling. A hanging water column remains under the cartridge hood until the water level reaches the scrubbing regulators at the bottom of the hood. 
  • Air then rushes through the regulators, breaking the siphon and creating air bubbles that agitate the surface of the filter media, causing accumulated sediment to settle on the treatment bay floor. This unique surface-cleaning mechanism prevents surface blinding and further extends cartridge life.

StormFilter Features and Benefits

Feature Benefit
Siphon actuated, high surface area media cartridges Stormwater is drawn evenly through the filter media providing efficient, effective stormwater treatment
Multiple cartridge heights Flexibility to meet site-specific hydraulic needs and reduce system size and costs
Multiple media options Ability to target specific pollutants of concern including TSS, phosphorus, heavy metals, and hydrocarbons
Internal peak bypass and multiple configurations Design flexibility to meet your unique site requirements
Maintenance intervals of one to five years Fewer maintenance events and reduced long-term ownership costs
Performance verified by both the WA DOE and NJ DEP Superior pollutant capture with confidence
Arrives to the jobsite fully assembled Factory build ensures quality and a simple, fast installation onsite

StormFilter Media Options

  • PhosphoSorb® - A lightweight media built from a Perlite base that removes total phosphorus (TP) by adsorbing dissolved-P and filtering particulate-P simultaneously.
  • Perlite - Expanded volcanic rock. Its porous, multi-cellular structure and rough edges make it effective for removing TSS, oil, and grease.
  • CSF® Leaf Media - A granular organic media created from deciduous leaves, CSF is most effective for removing soluble metals, TSS, oil, and neutralizing acid rain.
  • Zeolite - A naturally occurring mineral used in a variety of water filtration applications, is used to remove soluble metals, ammonium, and some organics.
  • Granular Activated Carbon - A micro-porous structure with an extensive surface area to provide high levels of adsorption. It is primarily used to remove oil and grease and organics such as herbicides and pesticides.
  • ZPG - A proprietary blend of zeolite, perlite, and GAC to improve the performance of perlite and target organics, soluble metals, and other pollutants.

StormFilter Cartridge Options

Flexibility to reduce size and costs...

Every site is different, and one size does not fit all. Multiple cartridge heights give you design flexibility to design the StormFilter specifically for your site and reduce the cost of the system for the owner.

  • 27” cartridge – Capitalizing on sites with at least 3.05 feet of available driving head, media surface area is maximized to allow the greatest treatment rate per cartridge; best for sites with footprint constraints
  • 18” cartridge - The original StormFilter cartridge size provides a middle ground and operates with 2.3 feet of driving head
  • Low Drop – Provides filtration treatment with only 1.8 feet of headloss; best for sites limited by hydraulic constraints

Select StormFilter Approvals

  • Washington State Department of Ecology (TAPE) GULD – Basic, Phosphorus
  • New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP)
  • Canada ISO 14034 Environmental Management – Environmental Technology Verified (ETV)
  • North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NC DEQ)
  • Maryland Department of the Environment (MD DOE)
  • Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ)
  • Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (VA DEQ)
  • Maine Department of Environmental Protection (ME DEP)
  • St. Louis Metropolitan Sewer District
  • Sacramento Stormwater Quality Partnership (SSQP) 

StormFilter Configurations

Flexibility to accommodate flows, project footprints, and hydraulics ...

The structures that house the filter cartridges can be constructed in a variety of ways to accommodate a wide range of flows, project footprints, and variable hydraulic conditions. Standard configurations include catch basin, manhole, vault, curb inlet, and linear grate.  Advanced configurations include: 

  • The Peak Diversion StormFilter provides treatment and high flow bypass in one precast vault, eliminating the need for an external bypass or junction structures.
  • The Volume StormFilter is designed to meet volume-based treatment regulations and can be combined with upstream storage to treat and draw down the water quality volume within the required drain downtime.
  • The Cast-in-Place StormFilter structures allow the highest degree of flexibility and are available for installations within buildings or other areas where precast structures cannot be accommodated. On-site Contractor assistance is provided to ensure the finished product meets Contech’s standards for fit and function.

StormFilter Maintenance

Every manufactured filtration device will eventually need routine maintenance. The question is how often and how much it will cost. Proper evaluation of long-term maintenance costs should be a consideration when selecting a manufactured treatment device. The StormFilter has been optimized to reduce long-term maintenance costs with proven, repeatable performance in the laboratory and in the field.

  • Reduce Life Cycle Costs - StormFilter has been designed for predictable maintenance intervals ranging from 1 to 5 years, resulting in fewer maintenance events and reduced life-cycle costs compared to other filtration devices.
  • Easy to maintain - All StormFilter structures provide access for inspection, media replacement, and washing of the structure. Visual indicators for maintenance are observable from the surface.
  • Cartridge replacement program provides refurbished cartridges that are shipped to your site ready to install. Contech arranges for empty cartridges to be picked up and shipped back, reducing cartridge costs and environmental impact.
  • Maintenance support - Contech has created a network of Certified Maintenance Providers to provide StormFilter maintenance at the lowest possible cost.

Technical information for this product is located in the technical guide’s section. 

View Technical Information
Installation of three Jellyfish stormwater filtration devices.
High Volume Applications

Designing, manufacturing and installing high-volume stormwater detention and treatment systems requires expert engineering, planning, and logistical support to manage costs and keep the project on schedule and under budget. When you need a proven, large scale stormwater management system, “Go Big” with Contech.

Construction workers install a large concrete structure with pipes at a construction site, with buildings in the background.
Filtration Systems for Water Quality

The Stormwater Management StormFilter, Jellyfish Filter, and the Kraken Filter provide the highest level of treatment and meet the most stringent regulatory requirements. These low maintenance systems combine pretreatment and filtration, and are able to target site-specific pollutants to meet your water quality goals. Our field-proven products have earned hundreds of standalone BMP approvals from regulatory agencies nationwide.

A parking lot with white barriers on the right and a sidewalk with piled rocks and vegetation on the left. A concrete slab is visible.
Pretreatment for LID Designs

The Stormwater Management StormFilter, Jellyfish Filter, and the High Capacity Kraken Filter can be easily configured as decentralized pretreatment systems for Low Impact Development Designs. 

Concrete structure labeled "Reese Contech Jellyfish Filter" at a coastal excavation site near the ocean.
Filtration for Removing Pollutants Prior to Discharge

Media filtration systems - like our StormFilter, Jellyfish Filter, and Kraken Filter are able to remove the most challenging pollutants from stormwater, including total phosphorus, soluble metals, oil, and very fine particles. Available in a variety of configurations (vault, manhole, catch basin, high flow and volume), these systems can be engineered to treat a wide range of flows within your drainage system and capture pollutants prior to discharge off-site.

The Contech Advantage

Agency/Regulatory Guidance

Our team is ready to provide you with expert advice and assistance on local regulatory requirements, resulting in faster approvals.


Solution Development

Our engineers can review your requirements, weigh all options, and recommend the optimal solution to integrate with your site designs.

Technical Expertise

Our engineers can assist by providing product specific engineering calculations such as hydraulics, buoyancy, foundation reactions, and unit sizing.

Cost Estimates

We can quickly provide engineer’s cost
estimates to assist with your solution
selection process.

Site Specific Drawings

Our engineers can provide site-specific drawings for proposals, project meetings, and submittals, helping you be more efficient with your time.

On-site Assistance

Contractors know time is money, so we provide preconstruction meetings, delivery coordination, and on-site installation support to ensure a timely, smooth installation.