Many say that if it looks and quacks like a duck, then it’s probably a duck. When you visualize a biofilter, you might envision bioretention cells, rain
Learn MoreAs a biofiltration surface layer, mulch can support water retention, weed suppression, organic replenishment, pollutant treatment, aesthetics, media protection
Learn MoreAn appropriately designed and manufactured high performance biofiltration system combines the benefits of natural biofiltration with the reliable and
Learn MoreOh stormwater treatment performance lab testing, your time-consuming, methodical steps make me want to pull my hair out. You often leave me with more questions
Learn MorePlants provide fresh oxygen to breathe and beautiful aesthetics that can take our breath away, but many people don’t think about the role plants can play in
Learn MoreEPA selected a removal standard of 80% total suspended solids (TSS) removal as the target pollutant of concern due to high TSS concentrations ubiquitous impact
Learn MoreThe EPA selected a removal standard of 80% total suspended solids (TSS) removal as the target pollutant of concern due to high TSS concentrations impact on
Learn MoreAs mentioned in Part One of this blog post series, a successful bioretention media installation must have a framework in place as guidance for managing media
Learn MoreEngineered media is the heart of bioretention system performance. Therefore, preserving media integrity is of the utmost importance. A successful bioretention
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