Our local contacts are experts who are ready to help
Metric Sheeting's unique profile gives it a higher degree of stiffness resulting in the industry's best strength to weight ratio. Higher stiffness also results in less driving effort.
Technical information for this product is centrally located in the technical guides section.
Contech Metric Sheeting offers solutions for light-duty earth retention needs. Installation can be conducted with two laborers by pushing into the ground with a backhoe. In more difficult driving conditions, it can be driven with conventional drop hammers, vibratory drivers and diesel hammers.
Our team is ready to provide you with expert advice and assistance on local regulatory requirements, resulting in faster approvals.
Our engineers can review your requirements, weigh all options, and recommend the optimal solution to integrate with your site designs.
Our engineers can assist by providing product specific engineering calculations such as hydraulics, buoyancy, foundation reactions, and unit sizing.
We can quickly provide engineer’s cost
estimates to assist with your solution
selection process.
Our engineers can provide site-specific drawings for proposals, project meetings, and submittals, helping you be more efficient with your time.
Contractors know time is money, so we provide preconstruction meetings, delivery coordination, and on-site installation support to ensure a timely, smooth installation.