Modular Wetlands Linear Project Product Design Worksheet

After submitting your worksheet a Stormwater Design Engineer will review and contact you shortly regarding your request.


Project Information (Fill out as much as possible)

Please also provide Plans, Soils Report, and Specs.

NOTE: Some regulators will only accept units with vegetated open planters to meet their definition of biofiltration.

Modular Wetlands Information

NOTE: Upstream detention is required when using volume based design.

Flow Based Design

Volume Based Design

Drainage Area

NOTE: Units may be sized for either water quality flow or water quality volume. For areas of the country where flow based design is desired but local regulations don't offer a method to calculate water quality flow please provide the drainage area (acres) & the impervious coefficient.

NOTE: For flow based design at least 16” of fall is required between invert in and invert out.
For volume based design at least 6” of fall is required between invert in and invert out with hydraulically connected upstream detention.

Contact Information