The Pipe Blog

There are limited options for verifying a large to ultra-large diameter sewer pipe. You can do visual inspections, low-pressure air using isolation rigs & bladders or hydrostatic methods. These are either not effective or expensive and time consuming. A new method has been introduced to the industry via Contech Engineered Solutions’ (Contech) DuroMaxx® Steel Reinforced Polyethylene (SRPE) Pipe and the QuikJoint® Ultra High-Performance Technology.

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Our commitment to quality is not just about meeting industry standards; it’s about exceeding expectations, ensuring peace of mind, and delivering long-term value. Customers choose Contech because they know they can rely on our products to perform as promised, even in the most demanding conditions. This dedication to quality manufacturing enables us to stand out as a trusted partner in the industry, ensuring that every product we deliver is crafted with precision, integrity, and care.

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In the realm of sanitary sewer storage solutions, large diameter pipes stand out as a beacon of cost efficiency and practicality. These pipes, often ranging from 30 inches to 120 inches in diameter, offer a multitude of benefits that cater specifically to the needs of municipal and industrial wastewater management systems.

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CMP offers a unique vertical application: caisson foundations for the replacement of power poles. This article explores the benefits & advantages of using CMP.

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When faced with designing culverts, storm sewers, or underground detention systems, one of the critical decisions you’ll make as the Engineer of Record is pipe selection. Corrugated Metal Pipe (CMP) is often the go-to solution for stormwater applications, and for good reason.

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Storm sewers are essential in managing rainwater and stormwater, ensuring that our streets and neighborhoods are protected from flooding. Advanced storm sewer systems not only offer enhanced performance but also provide significant cost benefits and ease of installation

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Corrugated steel pipe (CSP) has been a staple in various infrastructure projects due to its strength and flexibility. However, its durability has historically been a point of concern, particularly with galvanized steel, which has shown suboptimal performance in certain environments.

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Choosing the right culvert or buried bridge structure is crucial for any site application. While this may seem straightforward, it involves numerous practical and functional considerations. Project engineers and site developers must address these factors early in the planning stages.

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Metallic coatings have been applied to iron and steel armaments as early as the 17th century. The purpose of metallic coatings applied to steel is to help retard corrosion. The zinc coating process of steel, referred to as galvanizing, was name after Luigi Galvani, an Italian physicist who lived in the 18th century. Galvanized steel in the construction industry came into widespread use in the early 20th century.

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When it comes to designing extensive storm sewer conveyance systems, engineers and agencies are constantly seeking innovative alternatives to traditional reinforced box culverts. Contech, a leading player in drainage and stormwater, has been at the forefront of exploring efficient and effective solutions for moving stormwater across the country. While concrete has been the default choice for larger systems, there's a compelling alternative worth considering – Smooth Cor™.

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