With the continued growth of infrastructure in America, the need for trusted pipe solutions in the sewer industry continues to pose challenges to designers and owners alike. The forecast for storm and sanitary sewer pipe is estimated to surpass $8 billion by 2026, equivalent to more than 700 million linear feet of pipe installation (The Freedonia Group, n.d.). Many of these new installations will be tested to ensure joint integrity.
This article focuses on items typical in sanitary sewers in collection systems and larger, which typically is 8-inch diameter or greater. For diameters 30 inches and larger, the ability to test systems becomes more difficult and can make some test methods impractical. Joint testing is dominated on the sanitary side of the industry, but there’s a growing trend to test critical storm sewers, especially in locations with high groundwater or contaminated soils. For the sake of this article, most references will be for sanitary sewers.
Much of the vernacular associated with sewer joints includes the terms “watertight” and “leak resistant.” The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) defines “watertight” as providing zero leakage of water for a specified pressure head for a specified time. The most-used specification to establish “watertight” classification in the gravity sewer pipe industry is ASTM D3212, Standard Specification for Joints for Drain and Sewer Plastic Pipes Using Flexible Elastomeric Seals (e.g., 10.8 psi for 10 minutes). When pipe joints are referred to as “watertight,” they’re typically stating the ability to pass a lab test—such as ASTM D3212—but it doesn’t mean the expectation will be the same for miles of installed pipe. Nearly all regulatory agencies recognize this in the gravity-sewer industry and require leak-resistant systems per a specific leakage rate limitation. Common sanitary sewer leakage rates range from 10 to 200 gallons/inch/mile/day, with 150 likely the most common. For storm sewers, either 200 or 300 gallons/inch/mile/day is commonly referenced.
There are three primary ways of verifying installed joint integrity:
1. Low-pressure air
2. Hydrostatic exfiltration
3. Visual inspections
Low-pressure air testing typically is achieved by isolating a run of sewer pipe between two manholes. The outlet of the upgradient manhole and the inlet of the downgradient manhole are both plugged with inflatable test plugs (e.g., bag, ball, bladder). Lateral pipe connections also must be plugged appropriately to hold the required test pressure. The pipe is pressurized, typically to 2 to 4.5 psi, and is allowed a 1 to 0.5 psi drop within a given time period to pass the test.
Most gravity sewers described as “watertight” have an established leakage rate as described above. The air test’s pressure drop is a way to verify that the required leakage rate isn’t reached. Often there’s no drop in pressure during a test, but most specifications allow for some. Typically, if a run doesn’t pass, a protocol to check for a false “fail” result is performed. Plugs and other items associated with the test are rechecked, and the test may be performed again.
Hydrostatic exfiltration (i.e., draw-down) testing is another method. This test method is not as common or frequently used in the industry due to the time and costs associated with the amount of water required to perform the test on long runs and large diameters. The test blocks two manholes and all laterals with inflated plugs and fills the run of pipe between the plugs with water. The water fills the entire run of pipe until the upgradient manhole is filled and a water elevation is established in the manhole riser above the crown of the pipe. The water stabilizes over a given period, and more water is filled to a desired elevation to apply the desired hydrostatic pressure.
Once stable, the test begins for a specified period, typically 15 minutes or longer. The water level in the upgradient manhole is monitored for a drop in elevation, which would indicate a leak. If the water elevation drops during a specified period of time within a given amount per the ASTM, the leakage rate is considered to pass. If the leakage rate exceeds the specified maximum amount, then the system is potentially rendered unacceptable. Typically, if a run doesn’t pass, a protocol to check for a false “fail” result is performed. Plugs and other items associated with the test are rechecked, and the test may be performed again.
Another way to verify installed pipe joints is simply via visual inspection. This could be as simple as a walkthrough if the sewer is adequately large enough for safe passage or using more-complex methods that include CCTV robotics. CCTV can be done using various methods of insertion into the sewer, whether snaked, on a sled, on a remote-controlled crawler or even on a remote-controlled flotation device in live sewer flows.
In the sanitary industry, CCTV is very common (as most readers of this article already know) to verify many aspects of quality control for an installed sewer system. One of the limitations of a simple visual inspection is associated with joint integrity. The visual inspection is limited to seeing a visual leak at the moment of the inspection and can’t verify long-term integrity. If the system isn’t subjected to exterior hydrostatic pressure from the groundwater table at elevations equal to the pipe or above that would represent maximum infiltration pressures, then the inspection can’t determine the overall joint integrity of the system.
Visual inspections are much more common in very large sewers where entry is easy and safe, but low-pressure air and hydrostatic tests are either unsafe or simply economically impractical. Based on a recent survey with several-thousand online webinar attendees, a vast majority of participants responded to a poll question that they either required a visual inspection or no test method of sewer joints for diameters of 72 inches or larger.
Figure 3. The To photo shows an in-person inspection (www.gp-radar.com), while the bottom photo shows CCTV Inspection (www.ecotechnic.be).
Larger-diameter sewers in the 48-inch and larger range are increasingly being designed across the country. Using the same joint test methods for this larger-diameter set is more difficult, dangerous and expensive than in the smaller-diameter sets. These challenges have driven alternative ways to verify installed joint integrity. One of the more-common methods is using Joint Isolation Testing Equipment. There are several manufacturers of cylindrical testing gauges that can be moved within the pipe runs and positioned to isolate—or straddle—a specific joint. An exterior bladder is inflated against the inner wall of the pipe, and a small void space is created. The void space is pressurized to a specified pressure and held for a few minutes to verify the leakage rate.
Today, manufacturers have designed ways for the isolation test to be inherent in the pipe’s joint design. By designing a joint with two gaskets, the interstitial space between the gaskets can be injected with low-pressure air to verify the leakage rate of the joint.
Figure 5. DuroMaxx® SRPE with QuikJoint® testing capabilities
There are many ASTM and other specifications that address installed sewer joint integrity and “watertight” requirements. As a reminder, many “watertight” requirements in the gravity-flow sewer industry allow for a leakage rate often measured in units of gallons/inch/hour/day. There are many in-situ joint testing specifications across the country, but the following are a few popular examples of ASTM specifications used by engineers in the sewer industry.
➢ ASTM F1417, Standard Practice for Installation Acceptance of Plastic Non-pressure Sewer Lines Using Low-Pressure Air
Those who design sanitary sewers probably recognize ASTM F1417, low-pressure air test for plastic sewer pipes. This test, or a version of it, is performed every workday across the country. It’s commonly referenced at most regulatory agencies and is mainly for diameters of 8 inches through 30 inches. Although the most-recent version of the ASTM has specifications for up to 60-inch diameters, it still notes that diameters greater than 30 inches should be consulted with the pipe manufacturer. This is consistent with other specifications in the industry due to safety concerns.
As typical in this and other specifications mainly used in the smaller diameters of 8 inches through 15 inches, when applying 4.5 psi to much larger diameters (e.g., 24 inches and larger), there are safety concerns. For example, a 60-inch-diameter pipe plug would need to withstand approximately 10,000 to 14,000 pounds of thrust force. If a plug were to fail, the consequences can be extremely dangerous. Therefore, many agencies and engineers don’t use this specification’s exact requirements—or use it at all—for diameters 30 inches or larger. ASTM F1417 Note 2 states, “Consult with pipe appurtenance manufacturer for maximum test pressure for pipe size greater than 30 inches in diameter.”
➢ ASTM C924, Standard Practice for Testing Concrete Pipe Sewer Lines by Low-Pressure Air Test Method
ASTM C924 is like ASTM F1417, but it’s mainly used for reinforced concrete pipe and typically has a shorter time duration. Like ASTM F1417, C924 has a note for diameters larger than 24 inches: “Larger pipe will be accepted more conveniently by visual inspection and individual joint testing.”
➢ ASTM C969, Standard Practice for Infiltration and Exfiltration Acceptance Testing of Installed Precast Concrete Pipe Sewer Lines
ASTM C969 is the typical hydrostatic test used in the industry. There are others, but this one is typically used on sewers where water is easily and inexpensively available or on other types of civil infrastructure projects such as underground storage systems. There are others such as this for large-diameter plastic pipe types.
➢ ASTM C1103, Standard Practice for Joint Acceptance Testing of Installed Precast Concrete Pipe Sewer Lines
ASTM C1103 is a low-pressure air test that utilizes a joint isolation cage that can be positioned at each pipe joint. The cage straddles both sides of the pipe joint, and a circumferential bladder is inflated to isolate the joint connection. The interstitial space is filled with low-pressure air such as in ASTM F1417, but the ASTM C1103 test is only for a few minutes. This test is mostly used for diameters of 30 inches or larger to avoid the dangerous environment of a low-pressure air test filling a large amount of sewer pipe and engaging large-diameter sewer plugs. As stated above, the thrust force associated with low pressure and large diameters is dangerous, if not impractical, to perform.
There are many factors why the aforementioned specifications—and the many others not mentioned—are used in the industry. Most of the decisions are driven by the geographical location and its unique technical and competitive drivers that dictate pipe types. Although the ASTMs clearly specify the pressures and times associated with the methods, many agencies use their own unique parameters as a supplement to the ASTMs.
It’s difficult to quantify which test methods are used more than others. In general, it’s easy to state that low-pressure air testing is the most-used method for the smaller-diameter sewer systems in the country. The ability to cost-effectively perform a safe and easily repeatable test method are ultimately the deciding factors. The low-pressure air testing tends to be easier for contractors to perform due to its simplicity and speed of performing. Trying to fill and manage water within the sewer can take more time when using hydrostatic exfiltration methods, especially as diameters increase.
One of challenges recognized by manufacturers in the industry is the need for large-diameter testing capabilities. Most engineers understand that visual inspection is limited in understanding the integrity of the joints. Using an isolation cage has proven to be useful for large to even ultra-large diameters (e.g., 96 inches), but there are still some challenges. The isolation cages can be expensive to rent or buy and can be time consuming to move and test each joint. Dealing with deflections or misaligned joints can also be problematic or untestable.
The Freedonia Group. (n.d.). Storm and sanitary sewer pipe industry forecast.
ASTM International. (2021). ASTM D3212, Standard Specification for Joints for Drain and Sewer Plastic Pipes Using Flexible Elastomeric Seals; https://www.astm.org/d3212-21.html
ASTM International. (2019). ASTM F1417, Standard Practice for Installation Acceptance of Plastic Non-pressure Sewer Lines Using Low-Pressure Air; https://www.astm.org/f1417-11ar19e01.html
ASTM International. (2019). ASTM C924, Standard Practice for Testing Concrete Pipe Sewer Lines by Low-Pressure Air Test Method; https://www.astm.org/c0924-02r09.html
ASTM International. (2019). ASTM C969-19, Standard Practice for Infiltration and Exfiltration Acceptance Testing of Installed Precast Concrete Pipe Sewer Lines; https://www.astm.org/c0969-19.html
ASTM International. (2020). ASTM C1103-22, Standard Practice for Joint ASTM C1103, Standard Practice for Joint Acceptance Testing of Installed Precast Concrete Pipe Sewer Lines; https://www.astm.org/c1103-22.html
Andrew M. Jenkins is Area Pipe Manager at Contech Engineered Solutions; email: [email protected].
Mr. Jenkins has 27 years of experience in civil, mining and petroleum engineering industries. During his 21 years with Contech, he has had multiple leadership positions, including Director of Plastics Division (PVC, SRPE, HDPE), Director of Packaged Wastewater Treatment and Area Pipe Manager. Jenkins has written Informed Infrastructure Professional Development Articles, presented on behalf of the PVC Association and trained thousands of engineers across the United States on various pipe technologies (e.g., SRPE, CMP, PVC, HDPE, PP, etc.). Jenkins has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Engineering from the University of Missouri – Science & Technology (Rolla, Mo.).
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This article focuses on items typical in sanitary sewers in collection systems and larger, which typically is 8-inch diameter or greater. At the conclusion of this article, the reader should be able to:
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