Hand mimics walking up wooden blocks near a laptop on a desk with charts.

PDH Articles

The PDH Article Series is a unique opportunity for engineers to earn continuing education credit by reading focused articles written by engineers at Contech Engineered Solutions. Just read the article and take to quiz to receive your PDH credit.

Contech professional development hour (PDH) article logo.

Current PDH Articles

Cover for "Finish Considerations for Steel Bridges" by Cameron Abernathy and Justin Reardon, featuring AIA credit details.
Finish Considerations for Steel Bridges
Cover of a publication titled "Installed Joint Testing for Large-Diameter Sewer" by Andrew M. Jenkins, sponsored by Contech.
Installed Joint Testing for Large-Diameter Sewer
PDH article cover page: The Value of High-Rate Biofilters for Urban Stormwater Retrofits.
The Value of High-Rate Biofilters for Urban Stormwater Retrofits
PDH article cover page: Corrugated Steel Pipe and Structural Plate for Vertical Applications.
CSP for Vertical Applications | Understanding-Design Applications and Practices
PDH article cover page: The Fundamentals of Stormwater Quality Regulations.
The Fundamentals of Stormwater Quality Regulations
PDH article cover page: Evaluating Minimum Cover Depths of Flexible Pipes Subjected to Tracked Vehicular Loads.
Evaluating Minimum Cover Depths of Flexible Pipes Subjected to Tracked Vehicular Loads
PDH article cover page:  A Dutch Approach to Coastal Protection.
A Dutch Approach to Coastal Protection
PDH article cover page: Stream Crossing Replacement: A Case Study on Rural Hydraulics.
Stream Crossing Replacement: A Case Study on Rural Hydraulics
PDH article cover page:  Examining the Phosphorus Problem: What the Data Tells Us About Reducing Phosphorus in Stormwater.
Examining the Phosphorus Problem: What the Data Tells Us About Reducing Phosphorus in Stormwater
PDH article cover page:  Siting Considerations for Prefabricated Buried Open-Bottom Precast Concrete Bridge Structures
Siting Considerations for Precast Buried Open-Bottom Bridge Structures

Registration on v1-education.com is required to access the quizzes. Use the "Sign Up" link in the top right of v1-education.com to register. If you are already registered simply enter your credentials to access the quiz. If you answer at least 80 percent of the questions correctly, you will receive a certificate of completion from the Professional Development Series sponsor and will be awarded 1 professional development hour (equivalent to 0.1 continuing education unit in most states). You can print your certificate immediately after passing the quiz.
V1 Media is an Approved Provider through the American Institute of Architects / Continuing Education System (AIA/CES). Provider number: 70118112.

Click here to view archived PDH articles.