Fast & Inexpensive Joint Testing for Installed Large Diameter Pipe (48”-120”)

With the continued growth of infrastructure in America, the need for trusted pipe solutions in the sewer industry continues to pose challenges to designers and owners alike. The forecast for storm and sanitary sewer pipe is estimated to surpass $8 billion by 2026, equivalent to more than 700 million linear feet of pipe installation (The Freedonia Group, n.d.). Many of these new installations will be tested to ensure joint integrity.

There are limited options for verifying a large to ultra-large diameter sewer pipe. You can do visual inspections, low-pressure air using isolation rigs & bladders or hydrostatic methods. These are either not effective or expensive and time consuming. A new method has been introduced to the industry via Contech Engineered Solutions’ (Contech) DuroMaxx® Steel Reinforced Polyethylene (SRPE) Pipe and the QuikJoint® Ultra High-Performance Technology.


QuikJoint® with UHP Technology
QuikJoint® with UHP Technology


$300 and 90 Seconds …

After purchasing approximately $300.00 worth of off-the-shelf equipment from your local hardware store, you can complete an installed 120-inch diameter sewer joint in 90 seconds. This is the value that DuroMaxx SRPE Pipe’s QuikJoint Technology brings to the industry looking to ensure joint integrity for large diameters (e.g., 48” – 120”).

Below are the insertion steps of the QuikJoint, illustrated with a cutout of the top half of a bell and spigot ends of SRPE Pipe.

QuikJoint …

QuikJoint spigot approaching to falre end.
Spigot approaching the flare end of the steel reinforced pipe bell.


Steel reinforced, double gasketed, spigot interted.
Steel reinforced, double gasketed, spigot inserting into the pipe bell.


DuroMaxx® SRPE Pipe Joint.
DuroMaxx SRPE Pipe Joint – steel reinforced spigot inserted into the steel reinforced bell.

After joining and backfilling the DuroMaxx SRPE Pipe, the QuikJoint can be tested to the industry parameters typically specified for sewer projects. The most common test pressure is either 4.5 or 5 psi. The time required to hold this pressure is greatly reduced due to the very small volume of space between the gaskets. The most common isolation test specifications only require 5 seconds (go/no-go). Quikjoint would adhere to this as well, or some similar short time frame (e.g., a few minutes).

The Process …

In 1 minute and 30 seconds you can complete a 5-psi joint test. This can be a game changer for large and ultra-large diameter sewer pipes. Due to their size, it is unsafe to try and use test plugs and incorporate 5-psi of pressure as you would do for typical small diameter sewers.

Some of the items you need include Mallet/Hammer, Small Compressor, Simple Plumbing Hardware and Pressure Gage. Screen captures of a 1 minute and 30 second video illustrate the speed of execution of this simple and reliable test below.

Step 1: Drill the port into the provided V-shaped notch

10 second mark.
10 second mark

Step 2: Wrap barbed fitting with Teflon plumbing tape and insert with hammer into wall.

40 second mark

Step 3: Attach plumbing

1 min mark

Step 4: Quick connection to the small air compressor and then slowly apply pressure to 5 psi.
Quick connection to small air compressor.

Step 5: Wait and hold pressure for the specified time (e.g., 5 seconds to a few minutes) and the test is completed.

After 90 seconds into the process, the joint has passed the 5-psi test, and the air is released. Next steps are to remove plumbing and barbed fitting and move on to the next joint.

  1. Fast
  2. Inexpensive
  3. Reliable

For more information on Joint Testing, check out the Installed Joint Testing for Large Diameter  Sewers PDH Article